Deobfuscating Javascript Malware

An edited version of this post has been added to my company blog at Checkmate

Some days back I was greeted by a Google Safe browsing warning when I tried visiting a ‘known’ site. As I was sure it was supposed to be clean and harmless site, I thought it would be good to dig further into this problem. The trail led to interesting amounts of codes, concepts and techniques.

Malware writers are very smart nowadays (haven’t they always been ?). They know that once their code is understood it most likely to be detected by anti-malware applications. To delay detection by such applications, they resort to a wide range of techniques. In this blog post I’ll be discussing the most potent and easily created malware.

Javascript has become the boon and bane of the Internet. It provides greater interactivity with the user but can also be used by malware writers to infect innocent users. Javascript is a client-side scripting technology which means the processing of the script is handled by the user’s browser.

Obfuscation is the concealment of intended meaning in communication, making communication confusing, intentionally ambiguous, and more difficult to interpret.

JavaScript is sometimes obfuscated to prevent users from easily understanding their functionality. ( Legitimate uses are to prevent stealing of code)
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